Friday, 28 February 2014


Another night of restless sleep, so decided to get up around 5:00am and was faced with a grey dawn... oh well, head down to the beach closest to me and try to make the best of it....

...and was faced with this rare image of Venus and the moon really close together.
Sorry I don't have a telephoto lens....

A moody, brooding feel - I quite like it....

Successful black & white images require strong composition and tonal contrast...

Liked the curving line of the beach...

...and the wonderful edge created by the outgoing tide eroding the edge.

Sunday, 16 February 2014


One of the beaches really close to me in Sedgefield where I live is Swartvlei (Black Lagoon)Beach.
it's a couple of kilometres long and stretches from the estuary mouth in the east to Gericke's Point in the west. The central portion is wide and open (where I shot the following images) and the western end has some really interesting rock formations culminating in Gericke's Point - a rocky outcrop and the western end. Last Thursday early morning was overcast, but I decided to go down and see what I could capture.
Below are some moody, long exposure seascapes which I rather like - I feel there's a certain peacefulness to them despite the brooding feel and the muted tones are a change from the usual reds & oranges...

Thursday, 13 February 2014


Spent a weekend at Mossel Bay and  came back with these images. I tried shooting at sunset, but the sun goes behind the bluff that the lighthouse sits on. So, once again, it was up at 4:30 to be ready pre-sunrise.
The seascapes below were all shot in the area between the restaurants at The Point and the Hotel near the lighthouse. Shot with my Olympus EM5 and 12-40 PRO and the wonderful little Samyang 7.5mm fisheye.


Top image - Olympus EM5 and Zuiko 12-40mm PRO
Bottom - Olympus EM5 and Rokinon 7.5 fisheye

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Island Lake & Sedgefield Beach, Garden Route

3 shots at Island Lake on a blowy, drizzly morning.... need to go back there for some sunrise shots...

...and some sunset images from Sedgefield's main beach